Cruisin' Canines logo of a white dog with an orange background

Cruisin' Canines

Spring and Summer Grooming Tips for Dogs

The best grooming requires giving your dog a bath

As you start to consider dragging up your window unit and putting it back in place, you probably start noticing that your dog has been shedding more than usual, too. If the constant shedding is starting to drive you crazy, you’ll love these helpful tips for managing spring and summertime grooming. Keeping a dog comfortable […]

Are Dog Beaches Safe?

With the temperatures soaring over the summer, it’s not surprising that many dog owners look to local beaches for some relief—and not just beaches where they can enjoy the water, but beaches specifically for dogs. These beaches are often roped off from regular beaches, so that only dogs swim there, and they’re a great change […]

How to Keep Your Dog Safe and Cool in the Summer

Summertime is tough on dogs. While they might have access to a pool here and there, taking long walks can be difficult, especially if it’s a breed prone to breathing problems. Dog owners have to take extra care in the summer months to ensure their pup stays cool and healthy, while also making sure they […]

Cruisin' Canines logo of a white dog with an orange background